Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wealth in Eve

When I played WoW, I eventually gold-capped a character. I was bored, and did my 30-45m/day AH thing, and after 18months, I capped out on gold. The problem is, there isn’t much you can actually _do_ with all that gold. I filled the guild bank, payed for all guild raid repairs, supplied all guild raiding potions, supplied all guild enchanting materials (was in a hardcore raiding guild), but still, that was maybe 10k gold / week.

In EvE, I passed 2bn liquid isk. I immediately re-invested it to make more (of course), but let’s look at what 2bn isk can actually do:

=Allow 1 account to play for ‘free’ for 6 months
=Purchase 80 fully fitted Manticores.
=Purchase a very well fit T3 cruiser
=Purchase 250 Omen lvl2 mission ships (L4 / T2 mods)
=Purchase one freighter BPO
=Purchase two BS BPO
=Purchase 135 T2 fit Assault Frigates
=Purchase 889 million trit
=Purchase 3 freighters
=Purchase 1 Large POS (reaction or lab), fit it, arm it, and fuel it for 2 months
=Buy materials to construct 35-40 T2 Transports
=Purchase ~10 fitted HACs

There are many other examples, but my point is… 2bn is a lot of isk; but in EvE-terms…it’s nothing. 30bn to construct a titan. An ‘isk-capped’ character in WoW equivalent terms would be 7.5 Trillion isk… and even then it is VERY feasible in EvE to actually USE all that isk. In WoW… gold just sits there as a testament of just how boring the game can become.

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